Yellow Sunday is a grassroots effort dedicated to increasing public awareness of the killings that continue to engulf Congo, mobilise people worldwide in support of the Congolese’s fight for peace and justice and, above all, to remind those left at the mercy of warlords and militia gangs tyrannising Congo that they are not alone.
Initiated and led by a group of young Congolese, Yellow Sunday calls upon campaigners, artists, writers, poet, dancers, religious leaders, governments, NGO partners and people of goodwill across the globe to mobilise opinion and highlight issues giving rise to wars and human tragedy engulfing Congo.
Anybody can help support this international day of solidarity with the Congolese people by wearing yellow and by encouraging friends, family, church, or community to wear yellow on Sunday 19.06.2016. So tell everyone you know and get them to spread the word.
In Congolese mythology, yellow symbolises wealth – and the greatest wealth Congo has is its people: the Congolese people; and for the past 20 years over six million of them have been killed by wars and conflicts. By wearing Yellow on Sunday 19.06.2016 you’ll not only be showing support for those being killed in Beni and across Congo – or remembering the over 5.4 million who died in the first ten years of the Congo Wars – but calling for peace and justice in Congo.
WHO: You, your friends, families, neighbours university, church, workplace and community!
WHAT: Wear Yellow on Sunday 19.06.16. Encourage your friends, families, neighbours university, church, workplace and community to also go yellow. And Tweet/Facebook/Intagram a picture of yourself and your loved ones in yellow, alongside your message: urging concrete actions to end massacres in Beni, political repression across Congo and free and fair election, to the UK, US, EU, AU and UN Special Envoy to Congo and Africa’s great lakes region using hashtag #YellowSunday
WHERE: Anywhere across the globe and at anytime!
WHEN: Sunday 19.06.2016 ALL DAY
WHY: For some very good reasons…
- Because “In Beni, in east-north Congo, people are being massacred with machetes, knives and axes – and the world refuses to pay attention.
- Because, according to the last IRC mortality report, over 5.4 million Congolese were killed in the first 10 years of the Congo Wars with barely any substantial international action against the culprits. An est. 1,500 people continue to die (with 1100 women and young girls raped) every single day as a consequence.
- Because rape has been used as a weapon of war. An est. 1,100 women and young girls are raped daily in Congo.
- Because half of Congo’s population are under the age of 18. Children are particularly affected by the crisis: one out of five does not reach the age of five; 38 per cent suffer from malnutrition (20 per cent severely); 50 per cent between 6 and 11 do not attend school, some 9.3 per cent are believed to have lost one or both parents to the AIDS pandemic; countless thousands of other children have been recruited in armed groups or have been victims of grievous human rights abuses including killing and rape.
- Because by wearing yellow and encouraging others to do the same, you are both spreading and increasing awareness of the wars and human tragedy that continue to engulf Congo. Each individual wearing yellow, every yellow picture uploaded on social media is a stance, a united efforts, a symbol of solidarity with millions of victims and survivors of the Congo Wars in their fight for peace and justice.
WHAT ELSE CAN I DO: Write to your local and national political representation about Congo.
Take part in Yellow Sunday 2016
Whether you’re an individual, a family, a church, company or community group there are many ways you can work with us on as well as ahead of Yellow Sunday 2016.
Who else is going yellow for #YellowSunday
Amnesty International, Black History Studies, Black Market Creatives, Central Media, Congo Filmz, Christian Aid, Human Rights Watch, Filimbi, Front Citoyen, Miss Congo UK 2016, Malaika Foundation, Malebo International Film Festival (MiFF), Pads4Africa, Panzi Hospital, Revive Congo, Save the Congo!, She’sKing, Student Action Network (STAN) Committee, Voice of Congo, Young, Congolese and Fabulous, Young, Congolese Professional (YPC) and many more.
Make it visible; Make your Facebook, Twitter and Instagram yellow
- Help spread the awareness about Yellow Sunday and increase awareness of the killing in Beni and Congo by sharing status in the leading days to read: “In #Beni, in east-north #Congo, people are being massacred”
- Yellow your social media accounts and websites in the lead up to Sunday 19.06.2016 and invite your friends, families, church and community to do the same!
- Invite influencers and high profile personalities to show their support for the campaign by wearing yellow and reaching out to their followers with campaign messages and sharing poster and infographics about Congo.
- Join the conversation online and watch out for content shared through the hashtags #YellowSunday and #JeSuisBeni on the topic.
Contact your political representatives
- Reach out to your local and national representative by email or letter and ask them to join you in your fight to highlight and help end the wars and human tragedy that continue to engulf Congo. Download our customisable letter template here
- Encourage your local and national representative to show their support for the campaign by wearing something yellow on Sunday 19.06.2016 and take a photo of themselves wearing yellow and tweet it or post it on Facebook using hashtag #YellowSunday #DimancheJaune Alternatively, they can email it to and we’ll assemble a collage of all photos on social media and our webpage.
- Find out what your government is doing at the UN, EU, AU, SADC or elsewhere to support the Congolese people’s fight for peace and justice, and use this as an opportunity for discussion on, and to announcement of new ACTIONS to tackle, the killing engulfing Beni, imprisonment of Filimbi and LuCha activists and respecting constitutional term limit.
Get your family, friends, church and community involved
Take #YellowSunday to the next level by asking your friends, families, church and community to wear yellow on Sunday 19.06.2016 to be part of a grassroots effort fighting for a Congo and a great lake at peace with itself.
- Encourage your friends, families, neighbours and others to wear yellow on Sunday 19.06.2016 – and ask each of them to write to their local and national political representative asking them to call on the Minister for Africa and the Prime Minister to take actions to help end the killing engulfing the Beni and Congo.
- Consider reaching out to your church and religious leaders and ask them to dedicate part of their sermon and prayers to ending the wars and human tragedy that continue to engulf Congo
- Explore the possibility of organizing activities outside capitals in smaller towns or rural areas and reaching out to new audiences by organizing activities in spaces such as sports clubs, places of worship, shopping malls, Public Square, hospitals, market places and bus stations. Make them yellow!
Tell us what you are doing
Please share your thoughts and plans with us so we can build and expand this grassroots effort. We want to hear what you have planned or discussed with your friend and would love to receive your photos, messages and videos. For more, info, please get in touch with our Yellow Sunday Team on to find out more about #YellowSunday!